Devine Science Devine Millsner Lager

13 sec read

Gluten free Divine Science Devine Millsner Lager.
  • Gluten free
  • Brand: Divine Science 
  • Beer Name: Devine Millsner
  • Style: Lager
  • Appearance: golden, translucent 
  • Aroma: fresh hops
  • Flavor:  Sweet, malty, hoppy
  • Mouthfeel: light 
  • Alcohol Content: 5.8%
  • Food Pairing: Hotdog please! 
  • Availability: Brewed in Redlands, California, bought in San Diego, CA

Devine Science Brewing continues to delight with this 4 ingredient (water, millet, hops, yeast) delightful lager. It is light, crisp, sweet and tasty!

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